Mittwoch, 8. Dezember 2010

Me and The … Posters I — Dead Horse Point State Park

Having finally created a Dropbox account and in this way being enabled to share any files without restrictions with you (well, almost without restrictions, I guess), I decided to put up some posters here (at least two of them). The pictures themselves might not be new to you, but you haven't seen them in full resolution, so far (or otherwise I would really have to worry about the security of my hard drive data).

The first picture of my little series was taken in February 2010 at Dead Horse Point State Park, Utah:

You might remember it from this earlier blog post. However, I rebuilt the panorama, corrected some errors, and added both a caption and a copyright notice. Please note that the picture above is only a preview. You will find the download link to the full-resolution version below. If—for whatever reason—the link below should not work and you want to get the poster anyway, just leave a comment here and I will get back to you.

So here it is, voilà:

Some technical details:
  • Pixel dimensions: 8858 × 5905 px²
  • Resolution: 300 dpi
  • Printout dimensions: 75 × 50 cm² (29.5 × 19.7 in²)
  • Download size: 9.58 MB
Feel free to do whatever you like with it—print it, have it printed, give it away for Christmas, adore it, ignore it—as long as you respect the Creative Commons license.

Good night everybody!

    3 Kommentare:

    1. Finally I've found my first poster for my office :)

    2. Sounds good ;-)
      If you really consider printing the poster, you might want to try MediaMarkt's Online Bilderservice—the quality is quite good (although they don't use the full 300dpi resolution, I suppose) and their prices are very reasonable (6€ for a 75x50 printout).

    3. Thanks for the hint! But I'll give the university's print service a try. It's only 5 € per DIN A 1 print (glossy photo paper, 158 g).
      They want me to send a postscript file and I have to be careful with the orientation/dimensions...
