Donnerstag, 31. Dezember 2009

White Christmas – Playing Tourist, Part 3

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please find attached the pictures of the hiking tour on December 25, 2009.

Yours faithfully,

P.S.: Good morning, Germany. Good evening, Utah!

Near the starting point

Well, we didn't see any.

Too bad!

I guess I'll print this one as a poster. Original size is 9201 x 5272 = 48.5 Megapixel.

And another prohibition sign …

And another one … (Besides, who would cut christmas trees on Christmas Day?)

Once more: Too bad!

This should be proof enough: I was really there! (Picture taken by Amir K. Thank you!)

6 Kommentare:

  1. These photos are amazing! Maybe I can get some of them to enlarge them to a poster, although I was not in Utah (and I'm really jealous!)?
    Best wishes, a happy new year!

  2. @btriczek: Thank you! Sure you can have those pictures, just tell me which ones. However, most of them may not be suited for posters as they are only 6 Megapixel original size. It should work with the panoramas though.
    A happy new year to you, too!

  3. cool pictures, and all those signs amazing... :-)

  4. Hey Simon,
    du hast deinen Blog vor dem Sterben bewahrt ;-) Hoffe du bist gut ins neue Jahr gestartet! Wünsche alles Gute, weiterhin viel Erfolg bei der Diplomarbeit ... und vergiss das Feiern nicht in den USA!!!
    Beste Grüße,

  5. @mwiesner: Thank you! :-) There were even more amazing signs on the way, but I thought that landscape pictures would be more interesting … ;-)

    @Georg: Danke für die guten Wünsche. Start ins neue Jahr ist gelungen. Grüße nach A oder D, je nach dem, wo du gerade bist.

  6. Wow, da kann man echt neidisch werden... ich LIEBE nämlich Winter und Schnee *gg*
